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2024-12-13 19:39:03

(1) = 54m, (2) = 56m, (3)4. Conclusion: The stock market is risky, so you need to be cautious when investing. It is necessary to avoid risks to the maximum extent according to the principle of adapting to your own investment and achieve investment success.Second, dynamic analysis.

Enter the "spatial planning" domain of stock priceSecond, dynamic analysis.The stock stopped falling at the fixed beam line of 46.91 from 63.00, and then ran horizontally for 10 days (shrinking). The whole process coincided with the end of the short-term cycle shown by the principle of "cattle eating grass", and broke the signal by 10% in Xintian to close at 7% 52 meters. The breakthrough was valid.

Second, dynamic analysis.# What do you think of the stock marketThird, the principle of spatial planning and delivery.

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